The Liminality Blog


 In the liminal space between what was and what will be, lies the power to step into a new chapter of growth and possibility.

Telling Your Change Story: Three Scripts to Communicate Your Transformation making change plan your pivot self-discovery storytelling

Whenever we are making big, transformative change in our lives, it's important to acknowledge that others around us may be impacted. By seeking to be transparent and communicative about the changes we're making, we can help others in our orbit to understand how those changes might affect them and to gain their support for our journey. But it can be hard to know how to tell our stories, and advocate for ourselves, especially when relationships and patters of communications may be...

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Introducing Plan Your Pivot: Your Path to a More Purposeful Second Act living your purpose midlife plan your pivot self-discovery

You are reading this post right now because I pivoted.

For nearly two decades, I helped purpose-driven organizations tell their stories, amplify their impact, and change the world. I loved my work. I’d founded my own agency, with many happy long term clients on my roster. I was doing projects that stretched me and that I found rewarding. I had won some awards, been invited to speak as an expert in my field, and I was earning a healthy income.

But then—4 years ago, when I had...

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Embracing the In-Between: The Liminality of Midlife midlife self-discovery

In anthropology, liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. 

Midlife is a time when we find ourselves standing on the threshold of change, suspended in the liminal space between what was and what will be. I’ve been exploring the concept of liminality lately and how...

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6 Steps To Begin Living Your Purpose Right Now living your purpose self-discovery

When we approach the middle years of our lives, we begin asking ourselves some deep questions: Have we made the right choices? What would we do differently if we could? What do we really, truly, want from the rest of our lives?

This line of questioning is often mistakenly labeled a midlife crisis, as if it leaves us flailing, without intent, adrift. But I suggest instead that we welcome these questions. They hold the clues to unlocking a new chapter for ourselves, one that is more fulfilling,...

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25 Affirmations to Live with Intention and Self Love self-discovery

A better and new version of you is waiting right around the corner but sometimes “new you” might need a little support to fully blossom into her fullest potential. 

I’ve found that often the support I need doesn’t come from someone else, but from the one person best positioned to actually help me push through my limiting beliefs and move closer to my dreams: me.

One essential element of providing this foundational support to ourselves is a shift in our...

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7 Ways Writing Can Help You Anchor Into Your Purpose self-discovery write your truth

In the vast realm of self-discovery and personal growth, there is one transformative tool that has always stood out for me—writing. I’ve used writing to process my emotions and experiences, move through challenges, set intentions and goals for the future, and simply to better understand (and deepen my compassion for) the inner workings of my own mind. 

I’ve also found that writing has an incredibly powerful way of reconnecting us to our truest selves and anchoring us...

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