The Liminality Blog

Telling Your Change Story: Three Scripts to Communicate Your Transformation

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3 Scripts to Communicate Your Transformation to People in Your Life

Whenever we are making big, transformative change in our lives, it's important to acknowledge that others around us may be impacted. By seeking to be transparent and communicative about the changes we're making, we can help others in our orbit to understand how those changes might affect them and to gain their support for our journey. But it can be hard to know how to tell our stories, and advocate for ourselves, especially when relationships and patters of communications may be well-established and difficult to alter.

Below are three short scripts you can adapt to tell your change story to those you are close to.

1. Talking to Close Loved Ones

You might use this script when talking to your spouse, partner, or a close family member. 

“I wanted to have an open and honest conversation with you about something really important in my life. I've been on a journey of self-discovery and growth lately, and it's leading me to make some changes. 

I want you to know that this journey isn't about changing who I am or our relationship; it's about becoming the best version of myself. I've set some goals for myself, both personally and professionally, and I'm committed to making them a reality. 

This means there might be some adjustments in our routines, and I hope we can work together to make those transitions as smooth as possible. I value your support and want you to know that I'm here for you just as much as you've always been for me. If you have any concerns or questions, I'm all ears. Let's grow and evolve together."

2. Talking to Friends & Acquaintances

Use this script when discussing your transformation with friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. 

"I wanted to share something exciting that's been happening in my life. Lately, I've been on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I've set some ambitious goals for myself, and I'm working hard to make them a reality. 

I value our relationship, and I want you to know that my journey doesn't change that. If anything, I believe it will enhance it. While I may need to adjust my schedule or priorities to achieve my goals, please understand that it's not a reflection of my commitment to our friendship or our work together. 

 I'm sharing this with you because I trust and appreciate you, and I hope you'll be supportive of my path. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. I'm looking forward to continuing our journey together."

3.Talking to Colleagues and Professional Networks

Use this script when talking to colleagues, mentors, or professional contacts.

"I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share some exciting developments in my career. Over the past few months, I've been on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. As a result, I've set some ambitious goals for my professional life, and I'm committed to achieving them.

I value our professional relationship, and I want to reassure you that my journey won't impact our collaboration negatively. In fact, I believe it will enhance it. While I may need to adjust my schedule or priorities to make room for my goals, please know that my dedication to our shared projects remains strong. 

I'm sharing this with you because I respect your opinion and insights, and I hope you'll support my endeavors. If you have any questions or suggestions along the way, I'd love to hear them. Thank you for being a valued part of my journey."


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About Natasha

I am a professional storyteller, and a firm believer that stories—the ones we tell ourselves and the ones we tell each other—have the power to change the world. Through my consulting, courses, and private coaching, I help organizations and individuals revisit and elevate their own stories, so they can live in deeper alignment with their values, reinvigorate their sense of passion and purpose, and make an even greater impact on the world around them. 

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