The Liminality Blog


 In the liminal space between what was and what will be, lies the power to step into a new chapter of growth and possibility.

My harrowing escape from the people pleasing paradigm midlife motherhood plan your pivot

When I became pregnant at the age of 46, it was unexpected. I had not planned to have children, and didn't think it was possible since I'd been diagnosed infertile when I was 23.

I didn't believe it at first. But once I saw the baby during my first ultrasound, I knew it was true and that I was now faced with the most confounding and important decision of my life.

My mind immediately began ping-ponging with thoughts of everyone else around me. I knew that the man I was casually...

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Introducing Plan Your Pivot: Your Path to a More Purposeful Second Act living your purpose midlife plan your pivot self-discovery

You are reading this post right now because I pivoted.

For nearly two decades, I helped purpose-driven organizations tell their stories, amplify their impact, and change the world. I loved my work. I’d founded my own agency, with many happy long term clients on my roster. I was doing projects that stretched me and that I found rewarding. I had won some awards, been invited to speak as an expert in my field, and I was earning a healthy income.

But then—4 years ago, when I had...

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Embracing the In-Between: The Liminality of Midlife midlife self-discovery

In anthropology, liminality is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete. 

Midlife is a time when we find ourselves standing on the threshold of change, suspended in the liminal space between what was and what will be. I’ve been exploring the concept of liminality lately and how...

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Midlife Transitions: Growing My Grays and the Power of Authenticity growing gray midlife

I started coloring my hair when I was 14. It began with a bottle of Sun-In, a hair dryer, and my mortified mother on the other side of the locked bathroom door pleading with me: “Go easy! A little bit at a time!” I did not go easy. I’ve never been one to play small.

No, I went strong until I’d achieved a two-tone Easter dessert situation: orange fluff on top, chocolate nest underneath. My mother cried real tears.

From there I graduated to a more sophisticated Paul...

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My Unexpected Dream Come True midlife motherhood

I’ve been reflecting on gratitude. It seems like we can spend years and years longing for something and then, when it finally arrives, we either don’t realize it or we are disappointed because it doesn’t look quite the way we expected it to. But the truth is that our dreams never manifest exactly as we envisioned them. There are always facets we didn’t imagine, details we didn’t ask for but that came along for the ride anyhow, a yin to the yang.

As a child of...

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