The Liminality Blog

Surround Yourself with Like-Minded Souls: 10 Tips to Build a Supportive Network

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10 Tips to Build a Supportive Network

The work of making transformational change in your life and in the world is hard. One key to surviving the difficult times, navigating obstacles with resilience, and truly celebrating your progress along the way is to build a supportive network of like-minded individuals. Here are some tips to help you place yourself in the company of others who are busy making change, so you can provide mutual support, and to proactively nurture and sustain this incredibly valuable asset on your change-making journey.:

1. Clarify Your Values and Goals:
Understanding of yourself, what matters most to you, and what you want to achieve. Having a clear vision will help you attract individuals who align with your values and who are inclined to be supportive

2. Identify Your Ideal Support System:
Consider the type of support you need and the qualities you seek in that support system. Reflect on the qualities and characteristics you value in others, such as empathy, positivity, expertise, or shared interests. Identify the specific roles and support you would like your network to provide. Also consider what you bring to the table in terms of your ability to support and celebrate others. Enter into new relationships, and nurture your existing ones, from a perspective of how you can best support and empower one another to become your most actualized selves.

3. Engage in Communities and Groups:
Seek out communities and groups that revolve around your interests, passions, or goals. Join online platforms, social media groups, or local organizations where you can connect with like-minded individuals who share similar aspirations. Engaging in these communities provides opportunities for networking and finding support.

4. Attend Events and Workshops:
Participate in events, workshops, conferences, or seminars related to your field of interest or personal growth. These gatherings bring together individuals with similar aspirations, creating an environment conducive to networking and building connections. Take advantage of networking opportunities and initiate conversations with fellow attendees.

5. Seek Mentorship:
Look for mentors who have experience in the areas you wish to grow and change. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and insights based on their own experiences. Seek individuals who have achieved what you aspire to and who are willing to share their knowledge and support your journey. While mentorship can be formalized, like a coaching relationship, it needn’t be. Reflect on your exisiting network and think about people you might know who are a few steps ahead of you on a similar journey. Approach them in the spirit of connection and collaboration–they may be pleased to provide guidance to you, as they likely received similar support when they were in your shoes.

6. Offer Support to Others:
Building a supportive network is a two-way street. Invite opportunities to provide support and assistance to others who are on their own journeys of change. Offer your knowledge, expertise, or a listening ear. By offering support, you create a reciprocal relationship where both parties benefit and grow together.

7. Foster Genuine Connections:
When forging new connections, focus on being authentic and on creating meaningful relationships. Take the time to get to know others, listen attentively, and show genuine interest in their goals and aspirations. Building trust and rapport will lead to deeper connections that provide mutual support.

8. Leverage Online Networking:
In today's digital age, online platforms offer countless opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals globally. Utilize professional networking platforms, interest-based forums, and social media groups to expand your network. Engage in conversations, share your experiences, and connect with individuals who inspire you.

9. Attend Supportive Workshops or Meetups:
Look for workshops or meetups specifically designed to support individuals undergoing transformational change. These events often provide a safe and nurturing environment for networking, sharing experiences, and receiving guidance. Take advantage of these opportunities to connect with individuals who are on a similar path.

10. Nurture Your Network:
Building a supportive network requires ongoing effort and nurturing. Maintain regular communication with your connections, provide support when needed, and celebrate each other's successes.



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I am a professional storyteller, and a firm believer that stories—the ones we tell ourselves and the ones we tell each other—have the power to change the world. Through my consulting, courses, and private coaching, I help organizations and individuals revisit and elevate their own stories, so they can live in deeper alignment with their values, reinvigorate their sense of passion and purpose, and make an even greater impact on the world around them. 

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Natasha Dworkin
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