The Liminality Blog

New Beginnings: A Powerful Ritual of Cleansing and Intention Setting

rituals self-discovery
Ritual of Cleansing  by Natasha Dworkin

Materials needed:

  • White sage or palo santo smudge stick (or incense)
  • Candle
  • Journal or paper
  • Pen or pencil
  • Optional: Crystals, flowers, or any other objects that hold personal significance


  1. Preparation: Create a sacred space by clearing and decluttering an area in your home that feels peaceful and inviting. Place the candle, smudge stick/incense, journal, pen/pencil, and any additional objects you'd like to include on a small table or altar.
  2. Cleansing: Light the candle and the smudge stick/incense. Begin by smudging yourself, moving the smoke around your body from head to toe, envisioning it purifying and cleansing your energy. Next, move throughout the space, smudging each corner, doorway, and any areas that feel energetically stagnant.
  3. Setting Intentions: Sit comfortably in front of your sacred space. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Reflect on the new beginning or phase you wish to usher in. What do you want to invite into your life? What qualities, experiences, or changes do you desire? Write your intentions in your journal or on a piece of paper. Be specific and heartfelt, using affirmative language. For example, instead of saying, "I want to be less stressed," say, "I am inviting peace and calm into my daily life." Feel free to write as many intentions as you wish.
  4. Candle Ritual: Light the candle and focus on its flame. Allow the gentle flickering light to symbolize the spark of your new beginning. As you gaze at the flame, visualize your intentions manifesting in your life. Feel the excitement, hope, and confidence that arise from embracing this fresh start.
  5. Affirmation and Release: Read each intention aloud, one by one. As you do so, truly feel the words and their meaning. Repeat affirmations that support your intentions, such as, "I am open to new opportunities," or "I trust in the unfolding of my journey." Once you've read and affirmed each intention, close your eyes and imagine releasing them into the universe. Visualize them taking root, growing, and manifesting in your life. Trust that the universe is supporting you on this journey.
  6. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the blessings in your life and for the opportunities that lie ahead. Give thanks for the guidance and wisdom you have gained from your past experiences, recognizing that they have led you to this point of new beginnings.
  7. Closing the Ritual: Blow out the candle and take a moment to ground yourself. You may choose to keep the candle on your altar as a reminder of your intentions and the new beginning you are ushering in.

Throughout the coming days, weeks, or months, revisit your intentions and take inspired action towards bringing them into fruition. Trust in the process of your new beginning, and remain open to the opportunities and synchronicities that arise.

Remember, this ritual can be personalized to align with your beliefs and preferences. Feel free to add or modify steps and incorporate any additional elements that hold significance to you.

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I am a professional storyteller, and a firm believer that stories—the ones we tell ourselves and the ones we tell each other—have the power to change the world. Through my consulting, courses, and private coaching, I help organizations and individuals revisit and elevate their own stories, so they can live in deeper alignment with their values, reinvigorate their sense of passion and purpose, and make an even greater impact on the world around them. 

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