
Private Coaching Application

Please complete this assessment to help me understand if we may be a good fit to work together in a private coaching context.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 11

What inspired you to seek coaching services?

Question 2 of 11

Have you worked with a coach before? If so, what was your experience like?

Question 3 of 11

What are your top three personal or professional goals at this time?

Question 4 of 11

What do you feel are the biggest obstacles standing in the way of achieving these goals?

Question 5 of 11

On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to making changes in your life to achieve your goals?

Question 6 of 11

How would you describe your current level of self-awareness?

Question 7 of 11

What do you see as your key strengths and your areas for improvement?

Question 8 of 11

What strategies have you used in the past to overcome challenges?

Question 9 of 11

What supports do you currently have in place to help you achieve your goals?

Question 10 of 11

How would you like to be held accountable in the coaching process?

Question 11 of 11

Are you ready and able to invest time, energy, and financial resources into private coaching services to support your personal or professional development at this time?





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